HCP Testosterone Booster 90 cps


"Testosterone Booster" on väga valitud ja tasakaalustatud segu, mis suurendab naturaalset testosterooni kehas ja mille põhikomponentideks on DAA ja Tribulus Terresteris.
Meessuguhormoon testosteroon on äärmiselt oluline oma treeningtulemuste ja voodielu parandamiseks nii meestel kui ka naistel!
Parandage selle tootega oma loomuliku testosterooni tootmist. Seleen, tsinki ja vitamiin B6 aitab kaasa viljakusele, reprodutseerimisele, hormoonide aktiivsusele ja testosterooni tootlikusele.
Lisaks saavutame võime suurendada lihastes anaboolset keskonda (lihaskasv) ning hoiame all östrogeeni teket. Hormoonidel on oluline osa tervisele, immuunsüsteemile ja üldisele heaolule nii meestele kui naistele.

Kasutada 4 kps päevas.
Pakendis 90 kapslit.
4 kapslit sisaldab:
DAA 1200mg
Lambaläätse ekstrakt 200mg
Valge seen 200mg
Nõgese ekstrakt 260mg
Tribulus terrestris 90%
saponiine 160mg
Avena sativa 160mg
Tsink 22.5mg
B5 2.8mg
D3 10mcg

Tegemist on toidulisandiga.
Soovitatavat ööpäevast annust ei tohi ületada.
Toidulisandid ei asenda mitmekesist toitumist.
Hoida laste eest varjatud ja kättesaamatus kohas.
Hoida toatemperatuuril valguse eest kaitstult.
Parim enne kuupäev on märgitud pakendile.

Maaletooja: HC PRO
tel 6616988 www.hcpro.ee

Soodushind 19,90 € Tavahind 39,90 €

A "Testosterone Booster" supplement, with key ingredients like DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) and Tribulus Terrestris, is designed to naturally boost testosterone levels in the body. This type of supplement can offer several benefits, particularly for libido, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and combating tiredness. Let's explore these benefits:


  1. Increased Sex Drive: Testosterone is closely linked to libido in both men and women. Boosting testosterone levels can lead to an increased sexual desire.
  2.  Improved Sexual Performance: Higher testosterone levels can also enhance sexual performance and overall sexual health.

Bodybuilding and Powerlifting

  1. Muscle Growth: Testosterone plays a critical role in muscle protein synthesis. An increase in testosterone can facilitate muscle growth and development, beneficial for bodybuilding.
  2. Strength Gains: For powerlifters, higher testosterone levels can translate into improved strength and power, aiding in lifting heavier weights.
  3.  Improved Recovery: Enhanced testosterone levels can help in faster recovery from intense workouts, crucial for rigorous training regimes in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Tiredness and General Well-being

  1. Energy Levels: Boosting testosterone can lead to increased energy levels, helping to reduce feelings of fatigue. 
  2. Mood and Cognitive Function: Testosterone can positively affect mood and cognitive functions, improving overall mental well-being.

Additional Benefits from Ingredients like Selenium, Zinc, and Vitamin B6

  1. Fertility and Reproduction: Selenium and zinc are known to support fertility and reproductive health.
  2. Hormone Activity: These minerals, along with vitamin B6, play roles in hormone regulation, including the production of testosterone.
  3. Anabolic Environment: The supplement aims to enhance the anabolic environment in muscles, promoting growth and reducing the formation of estrogen, which can be beneficial for muscle development and overall body composition.

Immune System and Hormonal Health

Immune Support: Adequate testosterone levels are important for maintaining a healthy immune system.
Hormonal Balance: Testosterone is a key hormone in both men and women, and its balance is crucial for overall health and well-being.

It's important to note that while testosterone boosters can offer these benefits, their effectiveness can vary from person to person. Additionally, it's crucial to use these supplements responsibly and as directed. Overuse or misuse can lead to adverse effects. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. Supplements should complement a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, not replace them.

Pikkus64 mm
Laius64 mm
Kõrgus115 mm
Toote vormkapslid
Serveerimise kogus22
Kogus pakendis90 tk
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Toidulisandit ei tohi kasutada mitmekesise toitumise asendajana

Hoida laste eest varjatud ja kättesaamatus kohas.

Hoida toatemperatuuril valguse eest kaitstult.

Parim enne kuupäev on märgitud pakendile.

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